Kids from “Die ARCHE” institution launch their own beverage

The Arche Limo project aims to teach kids the complete process of creating a beverage. 100% of the sales will be directed to support the costs of the non-profit organization.
Based in Berlin and with facilities all over Germany, Die Arche runs spaces for learning support and leisure for socially disadvantaged children. To diversify their activities, the institution developed an innovative project. The idea came from the CEO of tropextrakt, Ingo Kniepert, during the first Corona lockdown in 2020. By donating the company’s products and know-how, a group of teens assisted by the institution created their own product: the Arche Limo drink. All decisions concerning the beverage were made by the young team, that consists of six boys and girls of ages 12 and 13 with cultural origins in Morocco, Bosnia, Nigeria, India, and Germany.
By giving the kids the driving position, the Arche Limo project aims to teach them about the complete production process. For the drink development, they got to taste different flavors, and choose the recipe and logo. The group was also advised by tropextrakt’s experts concerning the importance of using natural sugar and colorants sources. The marketing strategies and digital presence were guided by MILK, a brand management and creative design company based in Frankfurt.

In the next phase, the group of youth visited supermarkets to compare the production costs to the final price of a product. In the final step, the group reached out to prospective commercial partners and retail outlets. “Arche Limo” is available for purchase since July in Frankfurt.
“I would appreciate it if children could feel the success”, said Daniel Schröder, the regional manager of Arche Rhein-Main. The main goals are for the kids to learn about new profession possibilities, and possibly experience the success of launching a product. On June 1st, the first 10,000 bottles of Arche Limo were filled. The expectation is that the money collected from sales can support breakfast and lunch costs for over 400 kids in the Frankfurt branch.
ARCHE LIMO – 100% Natural Beverage
The content of Arche Limo brings a fruity taste of watermelon, peach, fig, and açai, as well as a pink color from red dragon fruit.
You can find it in Frankfurt at: